Monday, November 15, 2010

Online journalism at a glance

Advantages of online journalism
  • Audience control: Allows people more power to choose the information they want.
  • Nonlinearity: Allows stories that do not have a predetermined order.
  • Storage and retrieval: Vast amount of information at your fingertips.
  • Unlimited space: Overcomes spatial and temporal limitations.
  • Multimedia: Tell stories with text, sound, video and interactive presentations.
  • Interactivity and user generated content: News becomes a conversation, not a lecture.
Source: Online Journalism By James Foust, Holcomb Hathaway, 2009

Online news examples

News-Leader main page (Victor)
• Headlines and blurbs helpful

Wichita Eagle main page (Bryant)
• Stories ordered in layers like a traditional paper

Daily Beast
• Intriguing, but a shortcut for lazy readers?
• Also: Newsweek

Women’s Wear Daily (Anne)
• Online version can be overwhelming
• In contrast, the print version seems so lacking

St. Louis Post on Facebook (Brent and Kayla)
• Easy and interesting
PD’s standard online presence

ESPN World Series final (Aaron)
• So many options
• Huge volume of information, including lots of TEXT!

New York Times budget puzzle (me)
• Interactivity and citizenship

Challenge: Making online news pay

Pay wall + value added – Springfield Business Journal
• You don't know what you're missing unless you subscribe

Advertising – News-Leader
Supported by corporate Gannett contracts
Local advertising

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